What type of person hires a coach?
Anyone wanting support in the pursuit of their goals would be a good candidate to work with a coach. This could be a high achiever who nonetheless feels something is missing, out of balance or just not quite right. Or this could be someone who simply feels stuck and would like help getting some momentum moving in a positive direction.
Is coaching a sign of weakness? Shouldn’t I be able to figure things out on my own?
To the contrary, coaching is a sign of strength and self-respect. Many of the most successful business, professional and political leaders have come to rely on coaching to catapult them forward. Coaching does not thwart your figuring things out on your own. It is a catalyst for clients to make positive change in the client’s chosen direction.
How is coaching different from therapy?
Coaching is not therapy. Therapy deals with psychopathology and is focused on healing a person’s past. In therapy, there is a doctor-patient relationship. Coaching focuses mainly on the client’s present and is geared toward designing a more desired future for the client. The coaching relationship is a partnership of equals, and the coach’s job is to help the client unlock their wisdom to gain clarity and move forward.
How can I justify spending the money on hiring a coach?
What would you pay for an enhanced feeling of control over the direction of your life? For better job satisfaction? For an overall improved quality and balance to your life? It is hard to put a price tag on such things, but easy to see how valuable they are. Those who have experienced coaching consistently realize the high return on their investment in the coaching process.
Will the coach tell me to do something I don’t want to do?
As your coach, I do not give orders or directives, and I will never tell you that you must do something. It is my job to partner and strategize with you to help you identify steps you can take to move forward toward your goals.
What if my issues are too silly or embarrassing to admit?
While this concern is natural, one of the most powerful aspects of coaching is that it provides a safe place for clients, with the help and support of the coach, to look at themselves honestly and without judgment. The coaching relationship is rooted in trust and confidentiality. The coaching atmosphere is energizing, non-threatening and often fun. It is in the context of this safe, non-judgmental environment that coaching helps clients discover their truths and find creative ways to reach their goals.
How long should I plan to work with a coach?
The length of time you may want to work with a coach can be totally variable. Some may stay with coaching for months or even years, others may go to coaching for a short interval of a few weeks, and may come back as needed, even months or years later.
“I have never met someone who provided as much insight as you have! Sometimes it is almost unbelievable. You have helped me discover so much about myself and who I am and what I want for and in my life. Your assessments and perspective are unlike anything I’ve ever experienced!”